Current Time in Pago Pago

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's your motto? Do your best!

We are in the Mapusaga Fou 3rd ward. Matthew and I both have callings. We are joint teachers of the English primary class where we have kids ranging from a sunbeam to a 9 year old which makes our lessons very interesting. Matthew is also the cub master over 19 cub scouts. He was the obvious choice because all the boys were usually at our house anyway. When Matthew first received the calling the boys were up every day asking if it was scouts and Matthew has been very successful at getting the boys out. He usually has 150% attendance because even the boys scouts and neighborhood kids want to come.

Our latest adventure was taking the weblose scouts (10-11year old) and teaching them how to swim. I thought this would be easy, their surrounded by water for goodness sakes. Surly they know how to swim. Again, I assume to much. Since I was the resident expert (which is another frightening point) I was nominated to be the certifier. We had done this once before with all 18 boys so since we were only taking 7 I thought this would be a breeze.

First we had to find a place that was deep enough for them to dive into. You would thing, having the ocean at our doorstep this would be no big deal....wrongo. As you can see from the pictures, we had to fake it. It almost came up to their waste.....speaking of waste....I'm not sure if you can tell what those big white buildings are behind them.....that is the one and only sewer plant on the island, but I digress, back to the swimming.

The boys did quite well considering they didn't really know how to swim. A few came up coughing and hacking but in the end they all did all the requirements and earned their badge. Way to go boys! If you have to drowned it might as well be in a beautiful place like this.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Looks like you guys are very well loved by the Samoan people! Great job on the swimming!!