Current Time in Pago Pago

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prince Charming

Now is as good a time as any to brag about my AMAZING husband! I just wanted to take a minute to really let everybody know how great he is, although everyone who has met him already knows!

When I first met Matthew I asked all his friends and family to give me the dirt on this guy and all I got was...."he's a BYU fan." I am here to report that after 4 years of marriage, I still can't get any dirt on this guy. He is the man of my dreams and he just keeps getting better.

These past few months as I have been in school he has really stepped up! He's taken on all my secretarial duties, he's cooked, cleaned, and worked his little buns off, (not that he had any in the first place). He has been such a great support! I really owe a lot to him for helping me finish this goal.

He has also accomplished so much since we have been here. He has kept working with clients, doing his scripture memorization (that's one a day for the last 3 years and still going strong!!!) and he has been reaching out and making so many treasured friends....most of them under the age of 10.

Whenever we go to the beach (he's become quite the expert body surfer!) he finds some kid that becomes attached to his new "uncle."

His gifts have also grown so much since we came here. Last week we met a young girl who has been on crutches for 6 months because of a growth problem. Within a week Matthew had her off crutches and playing basketball. He has helped so many people in so many ways. I am so proud of him for that!

On a side note, I also think that Matthew has gotten cuter! He's gotten this great tan that makes him hard to resist!

I am so grateful for the time I have had to be with this special man in this special place. We still don't know where we will go from here or what the Lord will have us do next but I will always treasure my time on the North Shore with Matthew. This place means so much to me and being here with Matthew has only made it better.

I can't believe we're approaching our 4th anniversary! The time has flown by so quickly. We have done so much already and I'm so excited for all we have yet to do together.

Thank you Matthew for all you do to make all my dreams come true.

P.S. Thanks so much to Stephanie for the fun photo shoot and the great pictures!!